what is the fee structure of hostel at st.joseph's college of engineering ,chennai?
Hi Princy, hope you are doing well. As per your question I am providing you the details for the fee structure at St.Joseph's college of engineering, Chennai. As you haven't mentioned the branch I am providing you with all the details as per my knowledge. Check out below :-
B.E and B.Tech fees for 4 years is roughly around 254000 INR
M.E and M.Tech fees for 2 years is around 200000INR
MBA fees for 2 years is 154000 INR
MCA fees for 3 years is around 220000 INR.
*Note there may be a change in the data provided and actual data as fees structure in colleges keeps changing from year to year. But I can assure that you can take these values as an average an get an insight of the program you are going to undertake. Although mess and Hostel fees are excluded from these data.
Hope this helps.
For more details visit our website https://dqxeclau.top/
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Somenath Chattopadhyay