What is the fees of Manipal University for btech per year?
depends on what course you want, and on what quota you're entering through - NRI or MERIT.
check it on the official university website:-
Respected Sir,
here's the fee structure for manipal university
Let us start from a clean slate. So let totalExpense = 0.
The tuition fee depends on your course of study. But let us assume it is 10lacs for convenience.
So totalExpense = 0 + 10lacs = 10lacs.
Add to that the hostel and mess fee, which will be around 4 lacs.
So totalExpense = 10lacs + 4 lacs = 14 lacs.
This is the fee that Manipal will charge you, approx. The rest is what YOU spend.
(Scholarships are also available on merit, it is worth mentioning. The usual scholarships can take off anywhere from 50% to 100% off your tuition bill.)
Now this should ideally take care of your general requirements for the tenure, that is food and lodging along with studies. However, you will have extra expenses, like eating out, movies etc, let us factor that into our equation.
Let us say that you spend around 5k a month on a tight budget(this will differ, but again for our convenience). So for 4 years, it becomes:
4X10X5000 = 200000 = ~ 2 lacs.
So, totalExpense = 14lacs + 2lacs = 16 lacs.
Add to this the cost of travel from and back to your home, if you live far from the city. Let us assume you will make 2 journeys per sem, one to your home and one back. That makes 16 journeys. Let us also assume that you are proactive and manage to book flight tickets economically. So let us assume you spend no more than 5k per journey.
16 X 5000 = 80,000
So totalExpense = 16 lacs + 80,000 = 16.8 lacs.
Your parents will end up shelling out around this amount for the 4 years here. And remember that only about 14 lacs will go towards the college.