what is the fees structure in Andhra Pradesh for B category and last year cut-off mark under B category Gen/Female
The fee structure is different for different categories.
ForGovernment colleges like Osmania Medical College, Gandhi medical college, Kakatiya Medical College, etc, the standard fee is Rs. 11,000/. This fee has to be paid 6 times, which includes the admission fee paid upon confirmation of the college. Later, 11,000 each for the next 5 academic years.
Where as for Private Medical Colleges, it depends onA/B/C Categories.
A category (Convenor quota) has 50% of the seats with a fee of Rs 60,000/annum.
B category (Management Quota) accounts for 33% of the seats with a fee of Rs. 11 lakhs/annum
C Category (NRI quota) holds 15% of seats with a fee of 2530 lakhs/annum, which is the minimum.
These days for B and C categories, management is taking a fee up to 1 crore (which has to be paid while admission followed by the fee fixed by govt for the concerned category).
If you want good government colleges then you should have got above 450 but you can try for management seats or in private colleges at min 280 marks
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Era Madaria