what is the medium of jnu entrance exam for MA in geography sir.
The medium of entrance exam in JNU, Delhi is English only.
Entrance test for MA Geography will be for 100 marks Unit I will be of 60 marks in MCQ format to be answered on OMR sheet on the following;
- Geomorphology, climatology, oceanography and biogeography.
- Human geography, economic geography, political geography, Population geography, human ecology and human settlements.
- Regional geography of India- physiographic divisions, patterns and levels of development of agriculture and industries, growth of population, urbanization, and socio-culture diversity.
- Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Quantitative Techniques/Statistics.
Unit II will be of 20 marks of short Questions on Physical, human regional geography and geography of India.
Unit III will be of 10 marks on cartography, scale and map projections, topographical maps of India, Methods of data representation
Unit IV will be of 10 mark on Statistical Methods – frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and dispersion, Correlation.
Registration has already commenced from 2nd March, 2020 in online mode at ntajnu. nic. in.