what should be safe score to get admission in MUHS, NASHIK TO DO MBBS IN IT?
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences is the University to which all the Medical Colleges in Maharashtra are affiliated to. This is not a Medical College. It has Colleges affiliated to it and there are various courses that are offered in it. There is one Medical College in Nashik which is SMBT Medical College. And you can check the list of the Medical Colleges affiliated to MUHS and their cut offs for each Category at our page: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-cutoff-maharashtra . But this is 2019 data and cut offs change every year. Cut offs change every year depending on various factors such as no.of Candidates appearing for the exam, no.of Candidates qualified, top NEET score and difficulty of the exam. To help you with your NEET preparation, we have NEET Knockout packages that you can check at: https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-neet-may/. To help you during admission and counselling, we have https://dqxeclau.top/mbbs-companion.