What should be the score in CAT to get a call from IIM-A,L for admission in Agribusiness management course.
I am assuming you are from general category. Based on your overall academic profile, you will need to score atleast 98 percentile to get a call for the next round.
All the best!
According to the admission criteria released by IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Lucknow, the minimum CAT percentile required is 80 percentile and 85 percentile respectively. However, in reality, there is a huge gap between the actual cutoff and that released in the admission criteria. Hence, securing around 90 percentile might fetch you a call, provided you fulfill other criteria such as academic profile, work experience, diversity factors etc. Check the admission criteria of IIMs below:

* In IIML, to get a call for PGP-ABM, you need to not only clear the aggregate cut off but also the sectional cutoffs (preferably above 80 percentile in each section). I know of a person, who had a percentile above 90, had academic diversity too but couldn't clear sectional cutoff of one section, because of which he couldn't receive a call for GD-PI from PGP-ABM.
* There is no such sectional cut off criteria for IIMA-FABM program.
In your question, you asked about score. Dear, scores actually do not make much sense in exams like CAT which is a percentile based evaluating exam. However, as per trends, a score above 120 will fetch you a percentile that can be sufficient to get a call for FABM and ABM programs of IIMA and IIML respectively (provided you meet certain other institutional criteria as well).
Wish you all the best!!

Ma_am,it will be very kind of u,if u will clear few more doubts lyk...
What r the things involve in sectional cutoff.??
Please elaborate it ma'am,as I m complete alien to these things.
Currently I m a student of B.Sc ag 1year(1sem)
Now sectional cutoff means you need to score above a set percentile in each section.
In CAT, you have three sections viz., 1. VA (Verbal Ability), 2. DI-LR (Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning) and 3. QA (Quantitative Ability). Now in each of these sections, you will get a percentile. The institute will set a cut off for each of these sections. Usually it is 80 percentile for each section for ABM programme. So you will have to try to get above this set cutoff. Sectional Cutoff means minimum percentile that you need to obtain in any section in order to get a call.
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