what should i do after bsc pcm
There are a number of career options which you can go for after your BSc pcm but what will be the best for you depends upon
******* your interest
******* what do you want to become in your life
For example,
Some of the best career options after your BSc is provided below :-
----------------------------------) MBA:- If you want to get into management or business or HR jobs etc then you can do MBA etc. Some entrance for mba includes
CMAT etc.
You can get into top Mba colleges like IIMs for your MBA where average package is around 20 lakhs per annum. For details about mba entrance exams visit https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/top-mba-entrance-exams-you-must-take
----------------------------------) MCA :- 3 year course in computer application. You should go for it you want to have a job positions such as System analyst, Web Designer, Internet expert, database Manager etc. Top entrance include NIMCET, VIT MEE, OJEE etc. For details go through https://dqxeclau.top/courses/mca-master-of-computer-applications
----------------------------------) B. ED :- If you are interested in teaching then you can go for B. Ed and after the completion of B.Ed , you will be eligible to teach in schools
----------------------------------) MSc :- If you want to study further then you can go for masters like MSc and later on you can even become a professor - by clearing UGC NET after your MSc , you can become assistant professor.For details about ugc net visit https://competition.careers360.com/exams/ugc-net
----------------------------------) LLB:- If you are interested in law, then after your BSc , you can go for 3 year LLB , after which you can practice as a lawyer. Some of the top entrance for 3 year llb are :-
LAT by Allahabad University
For details about llb you can go through https://dqxeclau.top/courses/llb-bachelor-of-legislative-law
----------------------------------) CA :- After your BScyou can directly start with CA intermediate if you have got at least 60 % in your BSc without going through foundation and then you have to go through articleship training and finally after clearing CA finals, you become a certified chartered accountant. For complete details regarding CA visit https://dqxeclau.top/courses/chartered-accountancy-course
Some other professional courses you can go for are :-
Company Secretary i. e CS
Certified Management Accountant i. e CMA
Chartered Financial Analyst i. e CFA etc
----------------------------------) UPSC :- If you want to get into civil services like IAS/IPS etc then you can start preparing for UPSC Civil services examination. For UPSC detailed information you can checkout our page at https://competition.careers360.com/exams/upsc-civil-services-exam
----------------------------------) If you want to get a job in Banks you can go for exams like SBI PO, IBS PO, Sbi clerk etc
----------------------------------) You can even prepare for government competitive examinatios for jobs like SSC, state service exam etc. You can get the complete list for govt competitive examinations at https://competition.careers360.com/exams
I hope that you find this helpful .