what will be the exact and right syllabus for nata 2022 .... we can't find anything anywhere... and the CIA hasn't announced it yet. .. will you guys help us.... plss make it sure to us🙂🙂
I hope that you are doing absolutely great.
With reference to your above mentioned query, i would like to tell you abou the NATA 2022 Syllabus.
The Council of Architecture (COA) will release the NATA 2022 syllabus along with the official brochure at its official website at nata.in . The syllabus of NATA 2022 will help candidates to know about the subjects, topics and sub-topics on which the question paper will be based on. Before commencing the preparation for the NATA 2022 , candidates will have to the syllabus.
NATA Syllabus for Mathematics :
Algebra -
Definitions of A. P. and G.P.; General term; Summation of first n-terms of series ∑n, ∑n²,∑n3 ;
Arithmetic/Geometric series, A.M., G.M. and their relation; Infinite G.P. series and its sum
Logarithms - Definition; General properties; Change of base
Matrices - Concepts of m x n (m ≤ 3, n ≤ 3) real matrices, operations of addition, scalar multiplication and
multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix. Determinant of a square matrix. Properties of determinants (statement only). Minor, cofactor and adjoint of a matrix. Nonsingular matrix. Inverse of a matrix. Finding area of a triangle. Solutions of system of linear equations. (Not more than 3 variables).
Trigonometry - Trigonometric functions, addition and subtraction formulae, formulae involving multiple and submultiple angles, general solution of trigonometric equations. Properties of triangles, inverse trigonometric
functions and their properties
Coordinate Geometry - Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle, condition of collinearity of three
points in a plane. Polar coordinates, transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates and vice versa. Parallel
transformation of axes, concept of locus, elementary locus problems. Slope of a line. Equation of lines in
different forms, angle between two lines. Condition of perpendicularity and parallelism of two lines. Distance
of a point from a line. Distance between two parallel lines. Lines through the point of intersection of two lines.
Equation of a circle with a given center and radius. Condition that a general equation of second degree in x, y may represent a circle. Equation of a circle in terms of endpoints of a diameter. Equation of tangent, normal
and chord. Parametric equation of a circle. Intersection of a line with a circle. Equation of common chord of two intersecting circles.
Theory of calculus
Application of calculus
Permutation & Combination
Statistics & Probability
NATA Syllabus for Physics and Chemistry :
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry; Structure of Atom; Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular; States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium; Redox Reactions; Hydrogen; s- Block Elements p -Block Elements
Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques; Hydrocarbons; Environmental Chemistry
Electrostatics- Electric charges and Fields; Electrostatic Potential and Clearance
Current Electricity; Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism; Moving Charges and magnetism; Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating currents- Electromagnetic Induction; Alternating Current
Optics- Ray optics and optical instruments, Wave Optics Dual nature of radiation and Matter
Atoms and Nuclei- Atoms, Nuclei
Electronic devices- Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple circuits.
NATA Syllabus for General Aptitude :
General -
Objects, texture related to architecture and the built environment. Interpretation of pictorial compositions,
Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawing. Visualizing different sides of 3D objects. Analytical reasoning, mental ability (visual, numerical and verbal), General awareness of national/ international architects and famous architectural creations
Mathematical Reasoning - Statements, logical operations like and, or, if and only if, implies, implied by. Understanding of tautology, converse, contradiction and contrapositive.
Sets & Relations - Idea of sets, subsets, power set, complement, union, intersection and difference of sets, Venn diagram, De Morgan's Laws, Relation and its properties. Equivalence relation — definition and elementary examples.
further, if you want to know more about the NATA syllabus for other topics as well then you can follow the below link : https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/nata-syllabus
I hope that this will help.