what will be the exam cente for maharashtra student for WBJEE ?
Hello aspirant,
I hope that you are doing absolutely great.
With reference to your above mentioned query, I would like to tell you that students giving WBJEE can choose their preferrable examination centre of their choice only in West Bengal. Therefore, if you are a candidate of Maharashtra then you can choose any center of your preferred choice/city within the West Bengal state.
While filling of the application form of WBJEE you'll be asked to fill the examination center/city of your choice, then you can fill any of the city inside West bengal that fits you well.
Further, for more information about the exam center filling in WBJEE you can follow the below link :
you can follow the below link to keep yourself updates about WBJEE exam related information :
I hope that this will help.
Hope you are doing good. There is no separate exam centre for maharashtra students under wbjee . They can choose centres during the form fill up with 3 preference from Kolkata, Howrah,North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas.
You can have a look at the B.Tech companion
Thank you.