when are the forms for jee mains 2021 January going to be issued
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Hi Aspirant,
Generally the jee main application form dates are released in the month of september /October tentatively but due to this pandemic situation NTA has not released the official guidelines regarding JEE MAIN 2021. As you can observe the counseling of batch 2020 is still not started so the exam process of batch 2021 will also happen lately.
So you should wait till the official notification for the jee main 2021 exam get release. For all the updates refer official NTA website.
Happy Hustling!
Dear Aspirant,
the registration forms for JEE Mains for the year 2021, January session will be released from the fourth week of September,2020.
Hello dear student
- JEE Main 2021 Application process will get started from first week of December 2020 (January session) through online mode (link will be provided above).
- Students will be able to register themselves for JEE Main through NTA website.
- For the April session, the registration will begin from first week of February 2021.
Please visit the link for more information about it .
Hope that's helpful
best of luck
Hello student there's no official notification released on Jee main 2021 but expect a slight delay in Jee main 2021 by a month IITd tells careers360 ceo during a conversation that it's not possible to plan next Jee main now as it'll take one more month almost to done with the examination, counselling and admission.
For more details refer to the link mentioned below - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://news.careers360.com/expect-slight-delay-in-jee-main-2021-january-exam-dates-prof-ramgopal-rao-director-iitd/amp&ved=2ahUKEwix0vKrvJHsAhUkg-YKHeCfAkYQFjAkegQIDRAB&usg=AOvVaw0ogEHOLPXl59ffv4fYloFT&cf=1
Feel free to comment if you've any doubt
Good luck
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