when will Ap eamcet bpt counseling date in 2022 will be announced???
Hello aspirant,
I hope that you are doing absolutely great.
With reference to your above mentioned query, i would like to tell you that the official dates for AP EA<MCET counselling dates will be announced by the authorities in the official website. You are advised to keep checking the site to keep yourself updated about various new exam information and details.
The JNTU Kakinada will announce the AP EAPCET 2022 exam date on its official website - sche.ap.gov.in/EAPCET. The exam conducting authorities will conduct the AP EAPCET 2022 as a computer-based exam in online mode. The AP EAMCET application form 2022 will be released on the official website as per the schedule released along with the exam dates.
The counselling, ADmit card release dates, the examination dates will be announced later in the official website of APEAMCET. Qualified candidates will have to participate in the AP EAMCET counselling 2022 which will be held in online mode. Through the counselling process, the candidates will be allotted the seats offered by the participating institutes.
Further, for more information you can check the following link :
I hope that this will help.