Which are the easiest chapters to score 200+ marks and important chapters to study
Dear Haneen,
According to 2017 JEE Main analysis you can check the important chapters for JEE Main below
Capacitance- 6.67%
Current Electricity- 10.00%
Calorimetry & Thermal Expansion- 6.67%
KTG & Thermodynamics- 6.67%
Rigid Body Dynamics- 6.67%
Work, Power & Energy- 6.67%
Modern Physics- 10.00%
Chemical Bonding- 6.67%
S-Block- 6.67%
Alkyl Hallide, Alcohol & Ether (ReactionMechanism)- 13.33%
Mole Concept- 10.00%
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry- 6.67%
Co-ordinate Geometry (3-D)- 6.67%
Application of Derivatives- 6.67%
Functions- 6.67%
Matrices & Determinants- 6.67%
Probability- 6.67%
Good Luck!!