Which college better for BCA Full Stack? Parul University or IIMT Meerut? Can anyone give me syllabus for BCA Full Stack in Parul University?
there is no such course as bca full stack in parul university. there is only
Bachelor Of Computer Applications
the bca general syllabus which probably you are referring to as full stack is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwa_B6RHw0HdaTloanBWV05heWdnVWVzaXlTZ2R5U1ZQWlBr/view?resourcekey=0-YCza1fnN9p81olZGdF5ENQ (copy paste link in browser)
both colleges have their pros and cons according to certain rankings iimt is better. you can compare through https://dqxeclau.top/compare-colleges