which college is better nirma university (ahmedabad) or mait (delhi)?
Nirma University MAIT
nirf ranking=153 nirf ranking=N.A.
Ahmedabad Delhi
Note: many times, even the location of college can be a deciding factor, so choose accordingly.
Average placement package:
7.5 LPA 5.5-6.5 LPA
Students say that the infrastructure of MAIT is better. Also, the faculty of MAIT is slightly better as told by the students of both the colleges. The fee system is quite complex so I would suggest you to go to these sites.
MAIT Fee structure: https://mait.ac.in/index.php/fee-structure-m
Nirma University Fee Structure: https://dqxeclau.top/university/nirma-university-ahmedabad/courses
Look, its completely up to you to decide by taking into account all the factors.
Hope this helps!