Which one is better shkm Mewat or llrm Meerut
Answer (1)
Hello Bhavishya,
Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Government MedicalCollegeisone of thenewly built Government medical colleges in Haryana,is most popular as(SHKM Medical college Nalhar),located at Nalhar Haryana.TheMewat Medical Collegewas founded in the year 2012.
SHKM Medical Collegeis affiliated with the Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Science Rohtakand approved by the Medical Council of India.
Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College or LLRMCis a state-run Medical College located inMeerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
The college is affiliated with Chaudhary Charan Singh University,Meerut and was established in 1966.
You must use the careers360 college comparison site to compare both the colleges from every scenario. The link is given below :
I hope this would be helpful to you.
Good luck!
Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Government MedicalCollegeisone of thenewly built Government medical colleges in Haryana,is most popular as(SHKM Medical college Nalhar),located at Nalhar Haryana.TheMewat Medical Collegewas founded in the year 2012.
SHKM Medical Collegeis affiliated with the Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Science Rohtakand approved by the Medical Council of India.
Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College or LLRMCis a state-run Medical College located inMeerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
The college is affiliated with Chaudhary Charan Singh University,Meerut and was established in 1966.
You must use the careers360 college comparison site to compare both the colleges from every scenario. The link is given below :
I hope this would be helpful to you.
Good luck!
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