which specialization in civil is best for mtech as job and salary base??
You can specialize in the areas of Geoinforamtics, Hydraulics, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering etc.
You can also join reputed government organizations like Indian Space Research Organization , Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited and RITES Limited etc. as Scientist, Project Engineer or General Manager.
M.Tech specializations in Civil Engineering :
- M.Tech in Building Technology and Construction Management
- M.Tech in Geo informatics
- M.Tech in Highway Technology
- M.Tech in Hydraulics
- M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering
- M.Tech in Infrastructure Engineering and Construction Management
- M.Tech in Offshore Structures
- M.Tech in Rock Engineering and Underground Structures
- M.Tech in Engineering Geology
- M.Tech in Soil Mechanic and Foundation Engineering
- M.Tech in Traffic and Transportation Planning.
Two of the most in-demand specialties for civil engineering are transportation engineering and environmental engineering . In india its Geotechnical Engineering, that is concerned with the engineering developments of earth materials and also enables one to set up their own firm.
Hope this helps!!