Well, since I have first hand experience, and since I am due to be a 2nd year student soon, I'd like to say that its great if you choose NBMC - thats North Bengal Medical College to the uninitiated. I dont stay in the hostel, so I wouldnt know anything about that. But the place is very scenic, with a nice view of Kurseong high up in the north. Its not the cleanest college - none of the medical colleges are, actually - but it has some fine lecture theatres (air conditioned, if I might add), and labs. The library is adequate, contrary to what the MCI wants you to think, but if youre looking for some really out of the way books, meaning extremely rare, you'd be better off somewhere else. The people are friendly - well, as friendly as you might expect a senior in college to be - and definitely helpful, or so I've heard. But this is all a load of crap. What matters is that NBMC serves among the largest patient populations this side of the country. Which means its ideal to be a doctor in a place like this. On the contrary, in Kolkata, the patient influx may be more, but overall, it is divided 6 ways between the medical colleges (if you include ESI), so each college gets less. Plus, colleges have massive capacities of around 200-250 students per year, as opposed to 150 in NBMC - which is a blessing, especially for the person who notes the attendance. One problem is frequent power cuts, but theres a generator on campus so its not a (big) problem. Oh, and did I mention the weather? Its very pleasant almost all year. Only during this time, its a little hot. But pack a sweater come September or October - it can get very frosty.
The people here are generally nice. But the auto drivers can be real jackasses, so carry exact change whenever you can. There are around two malls - serious ones - in Siliguri. The one nearest to the college is the City Centre. Its adequately equipped with Shopper's Stop and Levi's, I think. The cinema is nice, and since its a little remote, you will always get a ticket when you want one at City Center. The other mall is deep inside in Siliguri, so its less charming. There are nice restaurants, if youre willing to explore. And let me clear a misconception before we get too far ahead of ourselves - I say Siliguri, because NBMC is in Siliguri - not in Darjeeling. The name of the district is Darjeeling. Dont get confused about it. If you were expecting to be on a mountain top for the duration of the next half decade, youre in the wrong place.
Well, what else? The teachers are good, the food in the canteen isnt half bad. If you dont want to stay in the hostel, then you can stay in one of the hundreds of PGs, or rental homes that are present right on campus. Many students dont live in the hostel, so theres no problem about safety.
So.. thats all I can think of right now. If you have specific questions, the comment section and the messaging system of Quora are at your disposal.