Who is eligible for fee waiver in UPSEE 2019 ?
Hello Hulk
Fee waiver seats are special seats which are allotted according to the rank in UPSEE exams and its vary for different colleges. The students who fall under this category of fee waiver seats of particular college,will get a very huge concession in the college academic fees. Suppose if a fees of particular college is 1 Lakh p.a, then for fee waiver students it will be around 20–25 K p.a.
To avail this scholarship you need to apply for Tution Fee Waiver (TFW) scheme at the time of counselling before choice filling (an option is provided on the counselling web page).
5% of seats is reserved for TFW scheme beneficiaries in every branch of every college affiliated to AKTU (say 5 students in a batch of 60) so a good rank means more probability.
Necessary condition to avail this scheme is that your annual income should less than 6 lakhs (it may be updated).