Why Many People are answering GATE related FAQ saying to use GATE Predictor Tool? Are those qualified to answer with such sales Tools? Bad
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Hello Tarun. Thanks for contacting Careers360 and we hope we will be able to answer your query.
I understand your point. It is unethical on the part of the so called GATE answerers to make the students use a paid tool of Careers360, the GATE rank cum college predictor.
There may be several reasons behind this: one, bring that the site needs to generate revenue and that we keeping in line with our aim of helping students to make correct careers decisions, we obviously direct them to use the paid service of ours. Secondly, there are not many GATE predictors as accurate as ours. "If you are good at something, don't do it for free", said a wise man. The same policy in Careers360. We feel that nobody can give results like us.
Now, even though we want to help you guys by giving out tools and answers that require minimum effort on the part of the receiver, but still, we are unable to guide you properly. Sorry for the lapse on our part.
Still, if you want to know that GATE cutoffs, you can see this article of ours which may help you:
- https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/gate-cutoff
Hope this helps you and all the best!

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