Will 2nd PUC 2022 Board exam be conducted or not?
2nd PUC Time Table 2022 Karnataka PUC 2nd Year Exam Date Download: Karnataka Board had decided to conduct the PUC II Final Exam of this Academic year. The Karnataka Higher Secondary Board had decided to release the timetable for PUC II Exam 2022 at their official website www.kar.nic.in.
Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka conducts Karnataka Pre-University Certificate exams. As of now the exam will be conducted as you are asking about year 2022 exams there is still a lot of time for that. The situation will get under control by then and the exams will be conducted. Only the 2nd PUC exams have been cancelled. Karnataka Board Exams 2021 for 2nd PUC exams have been cancelled. The state has decided to cancel 2nd PUC exams but Karnataka SSLC Exams 2021 would be conducted in 3rd week of July. The cancellation of only 2021 exams were decided there is no decision done about 2022 exams.
This year Karnataka 2nd PUC board 2021 examination has been cancelled due to surge in covid-19 . You can refer for our page for it at
but in 2022 it will be conducted because the number of cases is decreasing and we are moving rapidly towards normal conditions and also vaccination is also going on so by 2022 , probably we will be in a much better and safer conditions . And in the worst scenario if pandemic returns in 2022 and your puc 2022 gets cancelled then department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka will notify about it but you should continue your preparation for your puc 2022
To help you further,
Here's how you can prepare for your 2nd PUC examination
---) Go well through your textbooks
---) While reading the book, underline the important points and then later make short notes
---) Do go through the questions at the end of the chapter, just reading is not going to help.
---) Follow a routine, it should be such that it moves around 3 important things i. e first studying, then practicing questions and finally revision.
---) Focus relatively more on your weak subject so that you can make them strong
---) Have daily, weekly and monthly goals like you will complete these topics today , these chapter by the end of the week and these many chapters by the end of the month
---) Be practical in your approach. For example, if you need 4 days to complete a chapter but you plan to finish it in 1 day from scratch then that's not going to help you, at the end of the day it will give you disappointment and down your morale, so be practical.
---) Complete your syllabus at least 1 month before your board examination so that you can give it for revision and practicing questions
---) solve previous year question papers :- it will be really of great help to you because you will know what type of questions are asked in the exam, their difficulty level , examination pattern etc
---) Go through chapterwise and unitwise test and once you're done with the complete syllabus ,go through full mock test papers. And do at least 5-10 full mock test papers in each subject.
---) practicing days full mock test papers will let you know the level of your preparation for your 2nd puc board examination .
---) after each mock test analyse your performance to know your mistakes / weak areas , after that you need to work on improving them in the subsequent mock tests .
Thank you