Will MHT CET application will open with late fee, I have missed the date
one can not really predict this...if you are filling MHCET for BTECH/BE cources then there are chances(very few chances) that the time will be extended and the applications will be out again.
keep checking the official website frequently for the updates.
Hello Aspirant
I hope you are doing good . With reference to your query, I am very sorry to tell you that once the form last date is passed and form is closed ,then nothing can be done as their is no such thing of paying late fee and fill the form as this will be unfair to other students. However,if authorities would extend the last of the form then you can fill the form or if 3rd wave comes and entrances are postponed then in that cases they sometimes open the forms
Hope you found this answer helpful. Good luck for your future
The officials have not declared the dates for the reopening of the MHT CET application form with late fees yet. Maharashtra State CET cell has closed the submission of application form of MHT CET 2021 at mahacet.org 2021. The last date to apply for MHT CET 2021 without a late fee was July 15. It is expected that the officials will soon reopen the application form with late fees as of now there is no news from the officials regarding it. Keep an eye on the official website for the latest information.