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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Big Data Analytics (Online) certification is a 6 days course which is produced by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. With this online course, candidates will come to know how important it is to implement Big Data Analytics in business so that correct decisions can be made.

Big Data Analytics (Online) certification syllabus contains topics like Data Management infrastructure, Analytics, and Analytic Strategies. Any organization that takes big data analysis into account then they can be a leader in the market, and they can cross major hurdles while managing big data. The learners will also be able to communicate the analytic results and by using both storytellings with data.

Big Data Analytics (Online) training will allow the applicants to foresee different challenges, and issues, that help in implementing big data analytics in those organizations. The learners will be able to identify how to hire, nurture, and then retain the correct analytical candidates who will be responsible for using the data analytics tool correctly.

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Big Data Analytics Certification Courses

The Highlights

  • Course on big data analytics
  • Online programme
  • Respected faculty
  • Completion certificate by IIMA

Programme Offerings

  • 4 Weeks Course
  • Online Classes
  • Case Studies
  • Completion Award Certificate
  • Certificate Initiative by IIM Ahmedabad
  • Lab Sessions
  • Exercises
  • Presentations

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesIIM Ahmedabad (IIMA)

Big Data Analytics (Online) Fee Structure - 


Fee Amount in INR

Programme Fee

Rs. 1,50,000 + 18% GST 

Early Bird Fee

Rs. 1,39,500 +18% GST

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

  • Any educational background where the candidates have knowledge of Statistics, and its concepts like regression, dimensionality, cluster analysis, reduction, and classification.  

Work Experience

  • Every candidate who is applying must have professional experience in being analytic professionals or data scientist possessing a minimum of 3 years, and a maximum of 10 years experience.

Certification Qualifying Details

  • Big Data Analytics (Online) certification by IIM, Ahmedabad is only prescribed when candidates do not miss attending any session and have a minimum of 80% attendance. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of Big Data

With this course ending, the participants will be having proper knowledge of the following:

  • Candidates will learn about the infrastructure of data management.
  • Learners will have the idea of the concept of analytics right from the beginning.
  • Candidates will be understanding the different types of best practices and challenges that one can face during the implementation of big data analytic solutions in several organizations.

Who it is for

People who should be applying for the course are:

Admission Details

Get the procedure of admission details mentioned in the steps below: 

Step 1: Follow the Big Data Analytics (Online) course link:

Step 2: Then the candidates need to make an account on IIMA to download the course brochure.

Step 3: Within the brochure, the candidates after scrolling will find the application link:

Step 4: After filling up both personal, and professional information along with sponsorship details the candidates can submit the application form.

Step 5: Then as the application is submitted the students need to fill the programme fee.

Step 6: The nominations along with the fee shall be verified by the IIMA faculty.

Step 7: After verification gets completed, the participants are awarded admission.

Application Details

The application form opens only when the candidates have successfully registered on the IIMA website. The application form will ask for personal details including name, nominee, mail address, gender, residential address, and more. The form also asks for professional details like education, work experience, attended programmes at IIMA or other institutions, and also some sponsorship details.

The Syllabus

  • Managing analytic lifecycle in organizations
  • Strategies and best practices in data and analytics
  • Analytic communications and storytelling with data

  • Supervised un-supervised machine learning models
  • Personalized recommendations in e-commerce
  • Customer behaviour analysis using text, image, and location data
  • Neural networks and Deep learning
  • Visual analytics: Basic and advanced constructs
  • Exploratory visual analytics for understanding large data sets
  • Design and development of dashboards

  • Python programming for data science
  • Fundamentals of data access using Relational and NoSQL databases
  • Big data technologies: DFS, Map reduce, Hadoop and Spark


IIM Ahmedabad (IIMA) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Are all sessions conducted via a virtual environment?

Yes, all the sessions over the weeks are conducted via a virtual environment.

2: Can the candidates be absent from any of the sessions of the Big Data Analytics (Online) programme?

If an emergency situation arises then the candidates may be absent from the sessions by informing the course faculty.

3: Is there any chance of a refund when nominations are not accepted?

Whenever the nominations are cancelled then a refund is granted back to the organization or candidate concerned.

4: Who is the Big Data Analytics (Online) certification, faculty?

Kavitha Ranganathan and Srikumar Krishnamoorthy are the three faculty members of this programme.

5: Can anyone with more than 10 years of experience in the concerned field apply for this certification?

Obviously, candidates with more than 2 years of experience can apply for this certification.



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