The course on Nonlinear Vibration by Swayam has been structured as a simulation based session where one can visualize the response of the different mechanical systems available, along with the different resonance responses provided. The entire programme has been divided into nine modules and out of the nine modules, the first eight modules are framed on the- various equations of motion available, it also provides the solutions of the procedure to solve the various equations and their application in the daily world.
The eight modules i.e. the last module will be covered over a course of three weeks where the applicants will be provided with three different applications that are related to the projects that will be provided to the students in the practical classes. The Nonlinear Vibration certification benefits is for the students who want to secure a career in the field of manufacturing and aerospace.
The Highlights
Certificate issued by NPTEL and Indian Institute of Guwahati
Course organised by Swayam
12 weeks course duration
The programme is AICTE approved FDP course
Course provided in partnership with NPTEL and Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
The Nonlinear Vibration certification course is having free registration.
The Nonlinear Vibration fees for the examination is Rs. 1,000/-
Nonlinear Vibration fees details -
Registration fee
Examination fee
Eligibility Criteria
Certification Qualification Details
To get the Nonlinear Vibration online course certification all the interested students have to first have to register themselves and then appear for the final examination by appearing from the designated exam center. For getting the Nonlinear Vibration certification, all the applicants are required to have score of >=40/100. They should achieve 75% in the final end term examination. They should also achieve a minimum 25% average in 8 out of 12 assignments.
What you will learn
Knowledge of engineering
After completing the Nonlinear Vibration programme the students will be developing their skills in-
Students will be learning about the periodic table and its importance.
The floquet theory will be discussed elaborately in the Nonlinear Vibration certification syllabus.
Candidates will be studying the applications of numerical solutions in the session.
The methods of nonlinear algebra will also be discussed in the course.
The superimposition rule will be taught to all the candidates.
Lanrage principle and its real world applications will also be dealt with in this course.
The duffing equations will also be taught to all the students.
The analysis of the quasi-periodic system will be done by the students in this course.
The applicants will be introduced to mechanical systems and will be provided with their application knowledge.
Method of averaging will also be covered in the course module.
Who it is for
The Nonlinear Vibration training is being recommended to the following candidates-
Students who want to secure a career in the manufacturing sector can apply for this course.
Also, all the engineering students can apply for the programme.
PhD students
Undergraduate and postgraduate students in mechanical engineering
Application Details
Students have to follow the mentioned steps to secure their seat in the Nonlinear Vibration programme-
Step 1: For securing the application form the students need to visit the link-
Note- The course of this programme is being conducted now. Therefore the students can not apply for this course now. For getting more details they can contact the management.
The Syllabus
Introduction to nonlinear mechanical systems
Introduction to mechanical systems
Superposition rule
Familiar nonlinear equations: Duffing equation, van der Pol’s equation, Mathieu-Hill’s equation
Lorentz system
Equilibrium points: potential function
Development of nonlinear equation of motion using symbolic software
Force and moment based Approach
Lagrange Principle
Extended Hamilton’s principle
Use of scaling and book-keeping parameter for ordering
Solution of nonlinear equation of motion
Numerical solution
Analytical solutions: Harmonic Balance method
Straight forward expansion
Lindstd-Poincare’ method
Method of Averaging
Method of multiple scales
Method of 3 generalized Harmonic Balance method
Analysis of Nonlinear SDOF system with weak excitation
Free vibration of undamped and damped SDOF systems with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity
Forced vibration with simple resonance
Analysis of Nonlinear SDOF system with hard excitation
Nonlinear system with hard excitations
Super and sub harmonic resonance conditions
Bifurcation analysis of fixed-point response
Vibration Analysis of Parametrically Excited system
Principal and combination parametric resonance conditions
Floquet theory
Frequency and forced response of nonlinear parametrically excited system
Analysis of Periodic, quasiperiodic and Chaotic System
Stability and bifurcation analysis of periodic response
Analysis of quasi-periodic system
Analysis of chaotic System
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear system Analysis
Solutions of a set of nonlinear equations
Numerical Solution of ODE and DDE equations
Time response
Phase portraits
Frequency response
Poincare section
Lyapunov exponent
Nonlinear Vibration Absorber
Equation of motion
Solution of EOM: Use of Harmonic Balance method
Program to obtain time and frequency response
Nonlinear Energy Harvester
Development of Equation of motion: symbolic software
Solution of EOM: Use of method of Multiple Scales
Program to obtain time and frequency response
Analysis of electro-mechanical system
Development of Equation of motion and its solution