which entrance exam can apply for degree of chemical engineering after bsc
Here are few exams you can give after BSc
- IIT JAM-MSc Entrance Exam for IITs/NITs/IISER/CFTIs.
- JEST-MSc Entrance Exam for National Research Institutes.
- TIFR GS-MSc Entrance Exam for Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
- JNUEE-MSc Entrance Exam for JNU, Delhi.
- NEST-5-year Integrated MSc Program Entrance Test for University of Mumbai and NISER.
- ICAR AIEEA -PG Entrance Exam for ICAR.
- AIIMS MSc Entrance Exam -MSc and MSc Nursing Entrance Test for AIIMS
- . Indian Statistical Institute Admission Test -PG and JRF admission in Indian Statistical Institute.
- INAT Test -Research scholarship towards a Ph.D. at either IUCAA or NCRA-TIFR.
- GATE Science -PG Pure Science Courses at IITs, NITs and CFTIs.