Can I Get admission in DU for Bsc in biological science if i have scored 78.5% in cbse boards 2019?
For your question the answer will depend upon the following factors :
Which college are you targeting?
Now, there are colleges who will be open till 88% in the 9th list versus colleges who are immediately closed after first or maximum second list at a 97%. Top colleges in Delhi University are Shree Ram College of Commerce (SCRR), St. Stephens, Lady Shree Ram College, Hindu College, Hansraj College, Jesus and Marys College, Gargi College, etc.
2. Which Course do you want to study?
According to the last couple of years, Psychology (Hons), Economics ( Hons)and BCom (Hons) have been the hot favourite of the students and percentage has seen a sharp rise. The average cut off is around 9596 % in the top colleges. Even English (Hons) is pretty high. On the other hand, the cut off for Hindi (Hons), Geography(Hons), History (Hons) Sanskrit, etc. are comparatively low. 8088% is generally the cut-off.
3. Are you aiming for an on Campus college?
Generally, the cut off for on Campus ( North Campus & South Campus) and quite high. Kalindi College, Janki Devi, Deshbandhu, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College, Laxmi Bai College, etc. are few off-campus colleges and could be a relief for you. The cut off is generally around 9091%.
4. Are you changing your stream?
If you are from Science stream and planning to take up a program from a different stream, be ready to face a high cut off. Colleges will either keep a high percentage for you, or they will deduct a few percentages from your best of four. 25 percentage is deducted.
Hence as you have secured percentage between 75-80% hence you should try any other colleges .