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As per your given JEE Main percentile which is 88.34 in the SC Category, Your Predicted JEE MAINS 2025 rank may range between 147086 - 170102.
Based on the previous year analysis, According to your JEE MAINS percentile and category you have less possibility of getting a seat for admission in NIT Surathkal.
Some of the other colleges in which you have chances to get admission includes:
You can predict more colleges using the JEE MAINS 2025 college predictor tool.
MBA/PGDM Admissions OPEN
Hope this information will help you
With an 88.3410 percentile in the SC category, you have a decent chance of getting into NIT Surathkal. However, the cutoff ranks and percentiles vary each year, depending on factors like the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates, and the previous year's cutoff trends.
To give you a better idea, here are some cutoff ranks for NIT Surathkal from previous years:
- Computer Science and Engineering: The closing rank for the SC category was 1011 for home state candidates and 285 for other state candidates in 2019.
- Other branches: The cutoff ranks for other branches like Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Electrical and Electronics Engineering are generally higher than for Computer Science and Engineering.
Considering your percentile score, you may have a chance to get into NIT Surathkal, especially if you're from the home state. However, it's essential to remember that the cutoffs can vary significantly each year.
To get a more accurate prediction, I recommend using JEE mains online college predict can help you assess your chances based on the latest cutoff trends and other factors.
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
hi ,
based on your percentile i.e 88.3410 in JEE main paper 1 2025 under the SC category your all india rank in expected to be around 12,000 among SC candidates .admsiion in NIT Suratkal depends on various factors like number of applicants , seat availability, exam difficulty .
for reference the closing ranks for NIT Suratkal 2024 are as follows of your better understanding .
given these factors , either your rank i.e around 12000 in SC category , admission in NIT suratkal is challenging into popular branches , however cutoffs fluctuates yearly and some branches may have higher closing ranks .
hope this helps
With 88.3410 percentile in JEE Mains 2025 and belonging to the SC category , you have a chance of getting a seat in NIT Surathkal , but it depends on factors like cutoff trends, seat availability, and branch preference . Lower-demand branches may have a higher chance of admission. Check JoSAA counseling cutoffs for the latest data and consider backup options in other NITs or IIITs .
Hello there,
With 88.3410 percentile in JEE Mains 2025 under the SC category , your expected SC category rank would be around 8,000–10,000 .
For NIT Surathkal , the SC category closing ranks for home state and other state students vary. Based on previous trends:
Check JoSAA 2025 cutoffs for exact details when released.
I would recommend you to use JEE Mains College Predictor Tool by Careers360 to get the list of possible colleges you can get with your rank or percentile.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
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