Can I Get ramdeobaba college of engineering Nagpur with MHTCET 2021 Score 96.52 CS/IT Branch My category OBC Home state Maharashtra
The rank of students are not given till today. From the previous cutoff it seems you had chance to get admission for Computer Science or Information Technology at Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and management, Nagpur.
You can check out mhtcet College predictor link of which is given below.
I hope you are doing good,
According to your credentials provided by you and the previous years cut off, You have a little less chances of getting a seat of CS/IT in SRCOEM. But you can easily get a seat in this college for different branch.
But you can also apply for your preferred College because the trends can change every year based on various factors.
To know more about what college you can get please follow the following college prediction link: