can you provide list of ICAR recognised Bsc Agriculture private colleges in Andhra Pradesh please.
The fact that vouches for LPUs credibility in agriculture is that Lovely Professional University is the first private university to be accredited by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. As far as LPUs agriculture program is designed with a target of the holistic development of students.
Students are engaged towards evergreen agriculture, keeping in view the RAWE to build interpersonal skills. The students are exposed to Commercial farms to get know-how that creates an opportunity for students to engage and tone up their endurance, confidence and management skills. Emphasis on case studies and interpersonal-based teaching to develop skills in analytical thinking and reflective judgement by reading and discussing complex, real-life scenarios are given.
The highest package offered was 19.25 LPA. LPU holds a stellar record in placements as big brands like VLCC Healthcare Ltd. , Ankur Seeds, HDFC, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. , Ebro India Pvt. Ltd.
There are a total of 6 ICAR recognised private agricultural colleges offering B Sc (Hons )agriculture course in Andhra Pradesh, that are affiliated to Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University .
ICAR recognised Private Agricultural Colleges in AP offering B.Sc Agriculture:
- JCDR Agricultural College, Tadipatri, Anantapur District (Established in 2016).
- KBR College of Agriculture , CS Puram, Prakasam District (Established in 2016).
- SBVR Agricultural College, Badvel, Kadapa District (Established in 2016).
- SKYN College of Agricultural Sciences , Etcherla, Srikakulam District (Established in 2016).
- N.S. Educational Society , Markapur, Prakasam District (Established in 2016).
- SKD College of Agricultural Sciences, Anantapuramu (Established in 2016).
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