hello i'm an ece student ,i wanted to do mtech in vellore institute of technology in nanotechnology program, so in order to get in can i write vitmee ECE or should i only write vitmee exam of nanotechnology .pls answer this question
Hello Aspirant,
VIT Center Nanotechnology Research (CNR) was organized in the year 2008 to benefit educational and research facilities in the relevant domain.
To pursue M.Tech in this subject, you can give the VIT masters admission exam called VITMEE for Nanotechnology subject.
This is a two-year pg degree in nanotechnology.
A candidate to be suitable for this course must conform to the next norms
must be a graduate with a degree from any identified inst. or univ. with 60% scores or more in domains like ECE / EEE / Mechanical Engrg. / Chemical Engrg. / Metallurgical Engg. / E&I / M.Sc. Physics aspirant with Electronics as compulsory subject or any similar course.
Conclusive year aspirants are also suitable.
Should have obtained their last sem/year scorecard earlier than the counseling process. These students must have their degree statements with them and should submit them within a particular time specified by the authority.
You can discover more input regarding this here
https://dqxeclau.top/university/vellore-institute-of-technology-vellore/mtech-nanotechnology-course ( copy this link and paste on your browser)
I hope it helps.
Thank you.
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