Hello mam, how to change alloted seat of collage, what is Non Creamy Layer & where it required, fee structure for B cat, any bank guaranty, where will we get updates of counselling in career 360, priority of college list of TELENGANA, AP, KARNATAKA states
Can you help us in understanding which State Counselling are you enquiring about please? If you can help us with that information, we shall help you with relevant information. This is because each State has its own counselling process. Ideally once you are allotted a seat, you have 4 options.
Option 1: You are happy with the seat allotted and you do not want to participate in further rounds.
Option 2: Satisfied with the seat allotted but wants to appear in subsequent rounds of Counselling. In such cases, you have to report to the College and pay the fees. But if you are allotted a better College, the seat allotted in the Round 1 will be automatically cancelled.
Option 3: Not satisfied with the Seat allotted and want to reappear for Counselling. For this, you need to rearrange your options during Choice filling.
Option 4: Not satisfied with the seat allotted and do not want to participate in further rounds of Counselling. In this case, the seat allotted will be cancelled.
Based on your interest, you can opt for it. But again as mentioned, the process changes from State to State. Do let us know the State please?
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