hello sir. Aibe notification that only carry bare act allowed in exame hall but now they have removed it . so what should we do.But my opinion is shortnot,books & home metrial is too enough so what we can do now this condition.we have to follow old rules or new rules??
Hello STudent
AiBE exam is All India Bar Examination for getting certificate of practice from the BCI means Bar Council of India. This exam is of 3 hours and consisting of 100 marks in total. A candidate has to secure at least 40% marks of the total marks to get as pass marks. This examination in is held in 11 languages and in 40 cities of India.
In the examination hall a candidate has to carry photo identity card in original and photocopy of it one copy.As it is a open book examination and held in pen& paper mode then the candidates can carry the required books in the examination hall.
After successfully pass in this examination means All India Bar Examination candidates are awarded with a 'Certificate of Practice 'which enables him to practice law in any of the cities in India.
Candidates are not allowed to carry mobile phones, watches, and jewelleries inside the the examination hall.
Hope this helps.