Hi please explain the means of freeze/floating in UPSEE COUNSELLING.When i float the seat i dont want then, after i want it will mine or not...??? Like i float my seat in first round then i dont get seat in 2,3 round then i can go for 1round seat or not ?????????
Hello Priyanshu
(A) Freeze: Candidates acknowledge the offered situate and show that they are content with the assigned scholastic program and that they would prefer not to partake in additional rounds of seat allotment. Such applicants won't be considered in resulting rounds of affirmation.
(B) Float: Candidates acknowledge the offered situate and demonstrate that, if admission to a scholarly program of better/higher inclination in any Institute is offered, they will acknowledge it. Else, they will proceed with the as of now acknowledged scholastic program. Such competitors will be considered in ensuing rounds of affirmation.
(C) Slide: Candidates acknowledge the offered situate and demonstrate that, if admission to a scholastic program of better/higher inclination is offered inside a similar Institute, they will acknowledge it. Such applicants will be considered in ensuing rounds of affirmation.
(D) For applicants who pick the float or slide choice, designation of a seat in a scholarly program of his/her higher inclination would naturally bring about the relinquishment of the seat acknowledged by the competitor in the prior round.
Slide and float choices will be accessible to just those applicants who are NOT offered admission to their best option.
Slide and float choices are NOT accessible in the last round of seat acknowledgment.
Aside from in the last round of seat portion, an up-and-comer can change from buoy to slide/freeze and slide to freeze by revealing at an announcing focus.
hope this helps you