how to become astronaut?can take aerospace engineering?what is the salary of an astronaut in india ?is there any astronaut tamilnadu ?is this easy to become astronaut?is astronaut compulsory want to learn swimming ?please reply for all those questions....
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Answer (1)
Till date, all the astronauts that went into the space were all part of the Armed forces. At present, US is the only country which sends people to space.
If India sends out another manned space mission, the astronaut will most likely be chosen from the Armed Forces, possibly the Air Force. Also, it is uncertain whether India will send another space manned mission in the near future.
It generally takes around 20-25 years of preparation after passing college to become an astronaut.
To become an astronaut, there are rigorous training, out of which only a few are selected. The candidates which are generally specialized engineers and scientists who have some experience in the armed forces.
After several criterias like required height, degree, experience, visual, physical body tests and many more only a few are selected.
Hope it helps
Till date, all the astronauts that went into the space were all part of the Armed forces. At present, US is the only country which sends people to space.
If India sends out another manned space mission, the astronaut will most likely be chosen from the Armed Forces, possibly the Air Force. Also, it is uncertain whether India will send another space manned mission in the near future.
It generally takes around 20-25 years of preparation after passing college to become an astronaut.
To become an astronaut, there are rigorous training, out of which only a few are selected. The candidates which are generally specialized engineers and scientists who have some experience in the armed forces.
After several criterias like required height, degree, experience, visual, physical body tests and many more only a few are selected.
Hope it helps
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