I got 68 marks in ap eamcet ...under OC category and i have a weightage of 24.5 % out of 25% in ipe ...suggest my possible rank..
Hello Swarnakanth,
First of all, the score which you have got is impressive. Based on your specified scores of EAMCET and IPE weightage, your overall weightage would be closer to 56% and rank would be around 20k to 25k. To get a clear details, you may better go through the below link https://engineering.careers360.com/percentile-predictor-result/1130?s=23239151681556298046
Hope this helps and Good luck.!
Hello swarna kanth ,
Congratulations!!, you have secured good marks in eamcet and good percentage in intermediate.
You may have the chances of getting your rank in between 10,000 to 15,000
All the best for your exams .
Thank you .
Hope this information helps you .