i got a rank 227 in kiitee 2020 for bsc nursing... is it a good rank...? can i get admission by it? if yes how much will be the fees? im from general category.
Admission is through counseling based on the rank obtained in the KIITEE
And yes it's fine rank and there is other criteria that should also be full filled that is..you sholud have score more than 45% in 12th.
and there is also scholarship if you are meritorious student.. The institution provides a scholarship of INR 60,000 to the meritorious student who is getting 1st rank in each year in the class for B.Sc and M.Sc nursing.
there is one more scholarship:Pradyumna Bal Memorial Scholarship, This scholarship is instituted in the memory of Late Pradyumna Kishore Bal, Founder President of KIIT. Every year two poor and meritorious students are provided completely free education under this scholarship scheme. The Scholarship covers college University.fees, hostel fees including mess, books, and any other ancillary expenses. The decision of the selection committee regarding the selection of the candidate will be final
total fee would be approx: INR 4,00,000
hope it help you and provide you all the information
good luck.