I have just submitted my application form for AMU masters in English.After submission i noted that i have filled the DOB column wrong. Can i rectify it now or will it create problem in my application for if yes then suggest how to ammend it please.
Hello aspirant,
Do not worry about your AMU Application form as the AMU application form can be corrected. The official date for the AMU application form correction window will be provided soon and the correction window for AMU application form will be provided shortly to edit and correct any details mentioned in their application form. Those candidates have submitted their application form but they have submitted few wrong details so they can edit and update their details through the application form correction window.
Further, to know more about the AMU Application form,exam dates, eligibility criteria, syllabus, etc, then you can follow the below mentioned link to know more about it : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://dqxeclau.top/university/aligarh-muslim-university-aligarh/amp&ved=2ahUKEwimrufZztT3AhUjTmwGHRSoCTAQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1LUGKei0v0SwuFq-tkDdFz
I hope that this will help.