I m first year in Batu college engineering can I get vjti in second year addmission through my poniter is 8
Answer (1)
Admission into VJTI shall tak eplace through MHTCET score sinly.
Your CGPA shall not be cinsidered.
If you meet cutoffs next year for VJTI under MHTCET 2019, only then you can convert.
You need to restart engineering in first year itself.
You cannot be directly admitted in second year, because that is permissible for lateral entry candidates from Diploma.
Your CGPA shall not be cinsidered.
If you meet cutoffs next year for VJTI under MHTCET 2019, only then you can convert.
You need to restart engineering in first year itself.
You cannot be directly admitted in second year, because that is permissible for lateral entry candidates from Diploma.
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