I want to llb in Delhi University. so how could I prepare for llb entrance 2020
The subjects covered are English Language Comprehension, Analytical Abilities, Legal Awareness and Aptitude and General Knowledge. The Question Paper is in the form of MCQs and you need to select the correct answer. The important topics for each subject and that you need to prepare are as follows:
English Language Comprehension: Unseen Passages, Grammar, Proverbs, Comprehension, Synonms and Antonyms, One word Substitutes, Word and Sentence Correction, Spell Checks and Passages
General Knowledge: Current Affairs
Legal Awareness: Legal Propositions, Conclusions, Legal Maxims
Analytical abilities: Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Numbers, Average, Profit Loss, Percentage, Areas, Time, Speed and Distance, Probabilities, Venn Diagrams, Blood Relations, etc.
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