iam appearing for eamcet since 2 years according to response sheet released yesterday I got only 51 marks and iam belongs sc female can I have any chance to get into bsc agriculture or horticulture ,fishery,bsc forestry or shall I go for pharmacy if pharmacy suggest some good colleges please
Hi aspirant,
You got 51 marks in ap eamcet. It is a medium score. As you have not give the marks in ipe , I can't predict your rank.
The ap eamcet marks calculation procedure is elaborated here:
Total score= IPE score + EAMCET score
IPE score= [(Total group marks for 600)/ 24 ] gives you marks out of 25
EAMCET score= (75/100)*EAMCET normalised marks.
The combined score of ap eamcet & ipe vs rank list is given below. From here you may predict your rank also:
Marks: 99-90
Marks: 89-80
Rank: 101-1k
Marks: 79-70
Rank: 1k-5k
Marks: 69-60
Rank: 5k -15k
Marks: 59-50
Rank: 15k - 50k
Marks: 49-40
Rank: 50k - 1.5 L
Marks: 39-30
Rank: 1.5L+
Now, for government seat in AG BSc or in Veterinary Science, one should be with rank around 1400 to 1600.
So, you have less chances to grab a government seat. Good pharmacy colleges accepting ap eamcet are Sri Vishnu, Guru Nanak etc.
An ap eamcet college predictor tool is given here :
All the best !!