Is Nata tough?.Is it easy to score?
Dear Shivram, The question paper will have two - Part A and Part B. Each part will be of 90 minutes. Part A will be conducted Online and include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). A total of 60 questions will be asked from Mathematics (20 questions) and General Aptitude (40). Part B is an Offline-based (or pen-and-pencil based) Drawing test, comprising two questions carrying 40 marks each. Responses have to be entered on A4 Size paper. There is no negative marking. However during preparation of merit list, if two or more candidates score the same marks, the candidate with fewer incorrect attempts may get preference over other candidates. So you should be well versed with Mathematics and General Aptitude. For Part 2, The one objective of the drawing test is to evaluate the candidate’s imagination, drawing and observation skills. Additionally, the sense of proportionality is also gauged.
Overall, if you know the basics, you can crack the exam.
hello shivram,
it's purely depends on your aptitude and drawing skills want to be master in free hand sketching/drawing then only you can score high in NATA.apart from this,nata is easy one.
please refer this article by given link:
copy above link and paste it in the address bar of your browser.
all the best!
I Hope this information will be useful to you.
if you need additional information,let us know to help you.
Thank you!!!:)
NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.