My son appeared for KCET 2020. He has got Maths Compartment in CBSE XII 2020. Is he still eligible for CET Counselling after he clears his Exam in September ? Please throw light on this issue. Thanks for your assistance.
Have u entered the marks in KEA WEBSITE SIR? Even my daughter has got compartment in chemistry as KEA mentioned only pass candidates should enter the marks in MARKS ENTRY PORTAL so we hav not entered the marks.

Hello Sir,
As of now, the counselling dates for KCET 2020 aren't announced yet. As per the information given in KCET Information Brochure if a candidate haven't passed in all subjects in the qualifying exam are not eligible for seat allotment. Counselling may begin at anytime if he doesn't obtain the result on or before the counselling and he is not eligible to participate in counselling. However, he may participate if his compartment exam results are announced on or before the counselling provided he must pass in the subject.
Copy paste the link given below in your browser and please go through the eligibility requirement in Information browser