tell me about mba finance and how much we can an average salary get from it
Master in Business Administration (MBA) in Finance stream imparts knowledge on management, control and review of the collection, investment, and resources of money.
MBA Finance, opens up various opportunities for students in the financial world allowing the aspirant to learn to analyse the company's reports, forecast economic trends, how to maximise the stock values, balance risk and profitability, and at last investment portfolio management.
MBA Finance requires a strong background in Mathematics and Accounting; career prospects in this field are many and rewarding.
The salary packages of MBA finance student depends on performance and skills.
Good companies provide high package salary around 40000 to 50000 per month to students.
MBA in Finance is a specialization under which a person manages and see the financial resources of a company and look after it. By this job,a candidate can analyse the reports, financial conditions and progress of a particular company. Salary depends upon certain factors like your previous experience, skills and knowledge and also the company in which you seek for work. The average salary ranges anywhere between Rs. 3 lakhs per annum to Rs. 10 lakhs per annum. Get the detailed information about course here: