what is the benefit of writing GATE exam after Msc biotechnology?
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Writing GATE exam after doing MSc in Biotechnology leads to the following options.
- A candidate can pursue MTech in IITs, NITs.
- A candidate can also pursue PhD.
- A candidate can get jobs in PSUs.
- A candidate can also pursue Research in desired field.
the GATE exam is basically for those who wish to pursue higher degree like M.tech or Phd, as you are already having masters degree so it would be helpful for you to go for Phd, if you qualify the GATE exam then it will be helpful for to attend PhD interviews directly IITs if you have secured 90 or above percentile ,apply for IISERs/NISER ,you can work as project assistant or JRF in projects funded by CSIR/DBT/DST/ICMR etc.
good luck!
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