Which Course is better, B.Voc in Medical Lab Technology or B.Sc in Operation Theatre Technology?
Hi Abhishek,
Here I will explain the pro's and con's of both the courses.
Operation theatre technology course leads to jobs related to emergency wards of hospital. Main task of this job is to assist surgeon performing the surgery, arranging surgical instruments, administering pre operation drugs, operating surgical equipments. They actual have to sacrifice persnal comfort and focus on challenges that arrive everyday. They are paid more than the medical lab technician and have vivid oppurtunity allover the world.
Medical lab technology couse leads to a job in medical labs. Their main task is to collect samples from patients and subject them to various test mentioned by the doctor and determine the presence of any disease or not through this. This is not a stressful job as the other and is more like a 9-6 job. This is more like a low pay job and pay can be rised only with increased knowledge and experience.
Both profession are related to allied health care sector where their scope and demand is on rise across the world.
Having been said that, you can decide which course you like the most as you are going to carry it out as your profession for the whole life.
Hope this helps!
All the best!!