If you consider the most important factors such as Infrastructure, Curriculum, Placements and Faculties, then without any Doubt NIT silchar is better than that of NIT PATNA or AIT PUNE. Now if you consider among NIT PATNA and AIT then I would say in some cases such as curriculum you will get a better exposure in NIT PATNA. In terms of Placements in AIT then it may sound better but if you take the average from the past year records then NIT PATNA will be a better place to study CSE.
Thus the sequence of choice (ideal as per the records and information available):
To know more about NIT SILCHAR visit the link below:
TO know more about NIT PATNA visit the link below:
To know more about AIT PUNE visit the link below:
To know more about CSE visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
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