Would I get admission my MH cet score is 57
Follow the mentioned below steps to use college predictor of MHT CET 2018 effectively.
Click hereto use the MHT CET College Predictor
Log in to Facebook or Google+ account. Candidates can even register themselves on the tool by entering their email-Id
Enter your MHT CET rank, category, preferred branches and other exams related details asked by the tool
Click on Predict Now button
All participating institutes of MHT CET 2018 will appear indicating the admission chances of the candidate ranging from low, medium, high and finally no chance cases. The cut-off details of each of these institutes can also be checked by clicking on the "View Cutoff" link. Candidates will even recieve this detail on their registered email- Id.
Using the "Filter" option, candidates may also access their chances based on - High, Medium, Low, and No chance options.
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