l'm interested in agricultural studies after bsc in agriculture I have to IAS exam or higher studies in agriculture which is better option with high salary?
See,UPSC Is one of the most prestigious service in our country, so if you want to go ahead with this choice you should,as people from different stream apply for this exam and qualify. This is also one of the toughest exam,the syllabus is so vast and extensive, so here lies the uncertainty factor. But,then if you prepare with full focus and determination, plan your targets on a daily,weekly and monthly basis,you can definitely qualify,the key to succeed here is perseverance because UPSC exam will take two years,one year for preparation and another for appearing for the exam namely Preliminary, Mains and Interview.
You can also go for higher studies by doing MSc and qualifying NET or SET to become Assistant Professor, this will also give you good pay package. Else,you can do MBA in the related field,there are lots of opportunities in private and government sectors as well.
It's always good to have a back up plan for UPSC, in case you're not sure right now go for higher studies and gain experiences in your domain and then decide, there have been many people who have worked few years after completing their studies,gained experiences and then tried for UPSC.