i have no idea about syllabus of mba entrance exam right now..can i prepare for mba entrance exam other than CAT like SAT in 2 month??
Given below I have divided the sections further into topics/chapters.
Number System
High Priority - HCF / LCM, Number Properties, Factor TheoryLow Priority - Remainders, Base System, Last digits
High Priority - Percentage, Profit & Loss, TSD, RatioLow Priority - Clocks, Calendars
High Priority - Linear Equations, FunctionsLow Priority - Higher Degree Equations, Logarithm
High Priority - Circles, Triangles (Similar), Polygons, MensurationLow Priority - Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry
Modern Maths
High Priority - Set Theory, Principles of Counting, Sequence and SeriesLow Priority - Permutation and Combination, Probability
Study plan for the last 100 days for CAT Quantitative Aptitude
I agree that there isnt much time left for the CAT exam but there is more than enough time left if you are sincere and disciplined. To most of the students of ouronline CAT coaching course, I suggest that they put in2 days a weekpurely dedicated towards a section. Obviously, there are mocks and other time for practice that is there on the weekend but these 2 days should purely be spent on building your basics of a particular topic. If you already know what your weakest part in Quant is start with that. If not, start with Geometry. It is completely unrelated to other topics. There are few formulas that you might have forgotten because you saw them last time 5 years ago (or may be 10) when you were trying to do well in the board exam. Somehow Algebra / Arithmetic / Numbers these topics stay with you but Geometry gets wiped out fast. Thats the reason it might be a good place to start. You should tackle the big hairy problems first.
Another key point to note is that you should not try to do the hard stuff that is not relevant. You need to put in an effort to understand anything but if within the
first 2-3 hours you are not able to make too much sense of it and it is not an important topic (refer to the red/blue table above), it might not be a bad idea to skip it. Your time to prepare for CAT Quant is limited and you should invest it in areas that provide the highest return on investment.

With more than 97 percentile only, you can get in with top Bschools.
You would require 8-10 months for consideration and preparing well enough.
Join a coaching class like TIME, CpLC, Catking, Careerlauncher.
You should devote 4 months for full preparation and solve weekly mock exams. After that devoting 1month for mock tests for each section, and then 1month for all sections together. You would need to correct and recrify mistakes and weaknesses should be focussed. In the end, just revision and more mock exams will help you alot.
You should sokve more problems from bokks lkke Arun Sharma, RS agarwal, Chandresh agarwal. Try to give mock tests every week and revise them frequently to avoid mistakes. For complete MBA preparation tips and its exam pattern you may check below link. https://bschool.careers360.com/tags/cat-preparation-tips All the Best ahead..
In these exams only learning doesn't help you in scoring very well because this is a game of speed with accuracy. So you need to attempt lots of mock paper along with your preparations. For the whole detailed syllabus you can go on official site of CAT.
All the best for your preparations and exams!!

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