What is the cut off of lpu nest?
Minimum marks to qualify LPUNEST is 45 to 50 %. Based on the performance in LPUNEST you can get scholarship up to 50%. For more information, you can visit the university website.
Hope this information will help you.
Well a clear cut answer can`t be given to your question. There are certain parameters on which the cut off depends such as number of candidates, the number of vacant seats, marks obtained by the candidates in the entrance test cut off of last year. Well, you just concentrate on good performance in the test, the result will be in your favour. Good Luck
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LPU NEST cut-off is the minimum marks that the applicants need to attain to clear the Lovely Professional University National Entrance and Scholarship Test 2019. The minimum score is decided by the University and it depends upon various factors.
The parameters on which the cut off will depend on including the number of candidates, the number of vacant seats, marks obtained by the candidates in the entrance test cut off of last year.

Out of total 360 marks you just need 120+ to qualify.
All the very best and good luck.
If you can score above 125 marks in LPUNEST then definitely you can get admission in some of the good branches in LPU.
You can click on the below given link to check yourself the cutoff for LPUNEST:
Good luck.