whether Adamas university is good for bsc in biotechnology?
Adamas University is rated 4.3/5 by students and members of the institute. it hold below 100 rank for different degree for best teaching and learning service. University is one of the popular campus for BSc and BA.
Fee structure is below 3lakhs for 3 years of course which is quite okay. it is not so costly and can be afforded i.e. pocket friendly. University has top rating for campus crowd and academic curriculum and infra structure. Placement is moderate. They are working best in terms of placement so that students can get best dream jobs.
All in all, it will be a good choice if you find suitable to join adamas University. You will have good learning and adventuring experience which will help you ahead.
For more details, please visit the link @ http://adamasuniversity.ac.in/
Hope it helps!
According to the student feedback admas universities having very good infrastructure, classes are well architectured and academic is good along with this they provide you good placement opportunity and student have said that majority of students has secured job at well place.
You can see more details and can read the feedbacks through the given link:
Best of luck.